Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Wildcard Wednesday: There will always be those days

No matter how optimistic your outlook on life, there will always be those days when even the greatest efforts, best intentions and biggest heart will still fall short or will leave someone you care about disappointed. No matter how hard you try, there will always be those days where you weren't meant to win the race, or the game wasn't fair to begin with.

There will always be those days when, even though your head knows that tomorrow will be better, your heart wants only to cry, to scream into a pillow, or to devour an entire bag of chocolate.

There will always be those days where no amount of positive spin or inspirational messages or looking for the silver lining will make a whole lot of difference. Allow yourself those days.

If today is one of those days, allow yourself to have a good cry. Scream into a pillow. Eat some chocolate. Give yourself this day to grieve over what you've lost, or perhaps what you've learned you'll never have.

Tomorrow, you'll move on. Tomorrow, you'll see more clearly. Tomorrow, you'll look back on today and realize how far you've come.

There will always be those days, for all of us. If today is one of those days for you, consider yourself hugged. If not, say an extra "thank you" and enjoy today even more for all that it is.

~*~*~ May you always remember to dance in the rain, and may you have plenty of ladybugs beside you! ~*~*~


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