Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Happy Tears

If anyone knows how to explain the word "humbled" to a 5-year-old and terms she can understand, please post a comment here 'cause I'd love to know!

This morning was fairly typical. I was doing my daily "chicken with her head cut off" routine around 7am -- simultaneously making lunch for Rachel and myself, trying to convince her to eat her breakfast sometime today, helping her pick out hair doo-dads and reading emails on my Blackberry, trying not to get THAT covered in strawberry jelly like my shirt already was. My husband and younger daughter had already left (20 minutes late!) for the day and I had 17 minutes to get Rachel and myself out, too. What I read on my daily Feedblitz email stopped me in my tracks.

My wonderful friend Julie (aka, The Surrendered Scribe) blogged yesterday about Character. You'll never guess who she chose to talk about. I'm humbled and grateful and very surprised.

I've cried before in front of my kids, there's no shame in that, I don't think. But this morning, I found myself trying to define "happy tears" and "humbled" to Rachel on the drive to school. I don't have the right words to describe those and I don't have the right words to describe how Julie's post made my day (week? month? year?). So Julie, THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart.

Has someone made your day today? Did you tell them how much it meant to you? Or better yet, did you make someone else's day? If not, maybe now is a good time. I can tell you first hand how amazing it feels when someone sends a compliment your way.

~*~*~ May you always remember to dance in the rain, and may you have plenty of ladybugs beside you! ~*~*~


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Angels for Ana

Once in a while, people come into your life that just "become" your family. I don't mean the "she married my brother" kind of family... I mean the "love and support you no matter what" kind. Ana is one of those people.

Almost 10 months ago, Ana received very severe 2nd and 3rd degree burns on over 20% of her body (legs and feet) when a large pot of boiling water tipped over next to her. Her healing has been a long, challenging struggle and still continues today. She was uninsured at the time of the accident and though she did receive a temporary insurance (from the county) to help out, that is expired and she is uninsured once again.

I have watched her take one step forward and two steps back for longer than any person should have to. And speaking of steps, she's actually only started taking steps (on her own) very recently. Ten months in bandages, sitting in a wheelchair, because of hot water. Can you imagine?

Anyway, enough was enough and I needed, needed, to find a way to help her get better. Faster. Now.

I needed to find a way to show her that there are people out there who will love and support and pray for her, even in her darkest, bleakest, most painful moments.

I needed to do something. To make a difference. To offer hope. Here's what I came up with:

I hope you'll take a few minutes to visit and considering becoming an Angel for Ana.

~*~*~ May you always remember to dance in the rain, and may you have plenty of ladybugs beside you! ~*~*~
