Monday, July 28, 2008

Meet Kat

I just returned from a week-long vacation to Upstate New York, visiting family and friends. The trip started off with a cancelled connecting flight out of Washington, D.C., which left us 11 hours to kill in DC before we could get another flight. The day turned out well, with a visit to the monuments (our first with the kids) and a visit to my husband's cousin in Virginia.

All of last week's posts were written in advance but I was sure that I could write today's when I returned. However, I checked my work email... 682 unread emails. My personal email isn't much better. Don't even get me started on the laundry!!

So, instead of doing a less-than-ideal job in posting today about a person who inspires me (because I just have so many other things to do and frankly, I'm tired!), I'm going to point you to me.

No, I don't think I'm nearly as inspirational as some (most? all?) of the other folks I usually write about on Mondays, but this blog has been up for a little while now and well, maybe you're curious as to who's behind it.

So, use today to catch up on some posts you may have missed here, or maybe check out one of my other two blogs to get to know me a little better:

I'll be back with your regularly scheduled programming tomorrow, I promise!

~*~*~ May you always remember to dance in the rain, and may you have plenty of ladybugs beside you! ~*~*~


1 comment:

Julie Arduini said...

I love meeting Kat! Guess what, you won a blogging award over at the Scribe today. Check it out and congrats!