Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Good in the News: Beijing 2008 Summer Olympics

Hello, my name is Kat and I'm married to an Olympics Addict.

Olympics are a long-awaited, revered event in our house. Doesn't matter the event, we're TIVO-ing pretty much 24/7 and watching into the wee hours of the night. Sleep be damned when the Olympics are on!

In spite of the fact that the bags under my eyes from too much Olympics and too little sleep are pretty much the same size as the Olympic rings, there's just too much excitement to stop watching for a second!

So many good stories have come out of these Olympics, and we're only 4 days in! Choose a story, any story, and you'll see why the Olympic Spirit is so strong, and why I picked the Olympics as this week's Good in the News.

Learn all about the Olympic Spirit

American Men's 4x100 swim relay team takes the Gold!

Russian and Georgian Olympic shooters hug in Beijing as their countries fight

Official website of the Olympic movement (check out Photos of the Day, upper right)

United States Olympic Committee

Fantastic Finishes in Summer Games

~*~*~ May you always remember to dance in the rain, and may you have plenty of ladybugs beside you! ~*~*~


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